Pittsburgh Mega Reptile Expo – Vendor Registration

September 14th & 15th, 2024

Vendor Registration Form

Hello and thank you for your interest in vending the Pittsburgh Mega Reptile Expo.  This message is to review the basic information and rules for the upcoming show on September 14th & 15th, 2024. PLEASE READ THIS IN FULL!!! EVEN IF YOU ARE A PREVIOUS VENDOR, THERE MIGHT BE CHANGES THAT HAVE BEEN MADE!!!!


This event will be held at the following location:

Monroeville Convention Center
209 Mall Plaza Blvd
Monroeville, Pa 15146

If you have any issues finding the location, please call us and we will assist you in this.  The schedule for this event is as follows:

Friday September 13th;
– 12:00 NOON to 8:00 PM – The hall will be opened for vendor setup.

Saturday September 14th;
– 6:30 AM to 8:45 AM – The hall will be opened for vendor arrival and to finish setup. Vendor Badges are issued at this time. DO NOT come in before 6:30 am.
– 6:30 AM to 8:45 AM – Breakfast pastries and assorted muffins will be available for vendors at no cost, FREE!
– 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM – The show will open for VIP ticket holders
– 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM – Show time!!

Sunday September 15th;
– 7:30 AM to 8:45 AM – The hall will be opened for vendor arrival
– 7:30 AM to 8:45 AM – Breakfast pastries and assorted muffins will be available for vendors at no cost, FREE!
– 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM – The show will open for VIP ticket holders
– 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM – Show time!!
– 4:00 PM to 9:00 PM – Vendor teardown

When you arrive at the hall for set up, whether you are setting up on Friday or Saturday, you will drive to the RIGHT side of the hall and unload at the garage door. This door will be identified by signage.  Please unload quickly and move your vehicles for there is only space for about 3 vehicles in front of the garage door at a time and there are over 200 vendors loading in this weekend.  PLEASE BRING A DOLLY or something to bring your items to your table for we do not provide any. The venue does NOT like vendors using theirs, so please do not ask to use them or just take them. We also CANNOT load through the front door, so please do not attempt to do so. Vendor Badges and bracelets will not be issued until Saturday morning.

When you arrive at the hall to setup, please check in at the registration desk and you will be directed to your assigned tables. If you have set up on Friday, on Saturday, you will still need to stop at registration in order to be checked in and receive your vendor badge(s). You will need to get your vendor badge and check in that you have arrived and pay for additional badges then. Friday setup is not mandatory; we just ask that you be setup and ready for the show no later than 8:45 each show day.

This is a 2-day event and you MUST ATTEND BOTH DAYS.  You are NOT permitted to pack up and leave early for any reason unless prior permission is granted by our staff.

On any show day, no one will be allowed past dock security without your vendor badge on. Only one vendor badge may be claimed by each vendor/helper. Vendor badges will be issued based on the number of tables you reserve. The number of additional badges you will be allowed to purchase, will also be based on the number of tables you reserve. These will be as follows:

#of Tables / Badges Given / Additional Badges Available for Purchase

1   /   2   /   1

2   /   2   /   2

3   /   3   /   3

4+   /   4   /   5

If you need additional vendor badges, they may be purchased at the back security door up until 8:45am on either show day. Additional vendor badges will be $16 per badge. Each vendor/helper must be present to receive their Badge. No Badge will be given out for people who are not present. For vendors bringing in children 11 years and under, these children do not need a vendor badge. We will give them a purple child bracelet at no cost to the vendor. This bracelet will identify children who are permitted to be behind a vendor table, but will also prevent these children from leaving the facility without the vendor, to protect against child abduction. (It hasn’t happened, so we will be prepared before it does.) You are permitted no more than 3 people, adults and children combined, behind any one table.  Children two years of age and under do not count towards your 3 number count. All vendors helpers, family, kids, etc., must wear a vendor badge/bracelet throughout the show. If you have children 12 years old and above, these badges MUST be always worn around the neck while in the event hall or entering into the hall. Do NOT leave your vendor badge on your table before you leave each day. There will be a $16 fee for lost vendor badges, no exceptions. You will be keeping your badge until the end of the show. If you forgot it or lost it you must stop in at check in and buy a new one. So please always have your badge on along with any helpers. All badges need to be visible on your chest, and it may not be on your belt loop, flipped to your back, or wrapped around your wrist. If you have an issue with them being around your neck, we can give you a hypoallergenic plain lanyard or a pin for your shirt. When you come in Saturday morning and are loading in, PLEASE HAVE THE BADGE ON AND VISABLY OVER YOUR CLOTHES. Security will not allow you past without being to identify your status. We need to be able to identify who our vendors are, and not just a customer trying to go in with traffic. Badge will-will call will now be available at each show for vendors/helpers who will be arriving after the show starts. Vendor badge will-call will be at the registration table throughout the show.

If you have vended with us before, you understand we have many new vendors all of the time, since the hobby is growing and constantly changing. For this reason, only vendors who register to vend the next event, will have their table location locked in for the next event. We constantly change the layout location to make the show new and interesting every event. Special table placement requests and requests to be next to another vendor will be considered and honored on a case by case basis. Special requests will be taken up to two weeks before the event move-in date. Unless you are a locked in vendor, you are not guaranteed any specific table placement. Except in an emergency situation, we will not move your table location. Do not take it upon yourself to switch with someone or move yours or anyone else’s tables or you will be asked to leave without a refund.

All of the tables are very sturdy and durable, but we want you to cover your tables with some sort of cover, even a simple plastic tablecloth.  If you need power, please bring extra extension cords and power strips as needed to reach to your table location from the power source which may be up to 50′ away.  We will have a limited supply of extra cords and power strips for rent, at the registration desk throughout the event, on a first come first serve basis. We will provide you with a clean location when you set up and we ask you to keep it cleaned up. If you need a garbage bag/can, please grab one of our staff members and we will get you one immediately. Upon cleanup of the event, we ask you break all empty boxes down and stack them in a pile on your table.  We also ask you to clean up your area before you leave.

We will also provide each vendor with “Paid” stickers, free of charge, to be placed on all purchased items. Your customers will not be able to get out of the show with merchandise, without security seeing a “Paid” sticker.  Please DO NOT leave your paid stickers out in reach of customers. It is very important you remember to put a sticker on your items that are sold. This has caused a lot of issues, customers get angry they have to go back, and have given our security a hard time. If you run out of stickers, please flag one of our staff members down and we will get you more stickers. Security will be at the event to secure the event after event hours and to keep control during the event. We will not have enough security to watch your tables during the event. So please be sure to keep your tables maned or watched by another vendor at all times to ensure your products do not walk off. We will do our best to ensure no unpaid products will be removed from the event, but we are not responsible for broken, lost, or stolen items.

Please provide contact information or business cards to all your customers in case they should need something or have a problem!!!!! Our staff, on a number of shows has had to go through a large list of vendors and a huge layout trying to figure out who the customer is talking about. Think of it like a receipt, make sure it goes with everything you sell.

It is always recommended to provide the customer with a care sheet for each animal you sell, but this is not mandatory. Please make sure to go over care of whatever animal you have sold. People are incredibly impulsive and will buy just because it looks or sounds cool or it is a good deal. Please do your part as a responsible vendor and review all necessities needed for the animals that leave your care. Also please be sure to provide the customer with a breathable container for them to leave the venue with their new pet.

WHAT EVER YOU DO, PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR ANIMALS ARE SECURE IN CONTAINERS AT ALL TIMES.  In the event that an animal gets out and is not captured before the end of the show, the vendor who lost the animal will be responsible to pay for a professional team to come in and remove the animal which starts at $2,500. We value our vendors and you are here because we trust you will positively represent yourself and this event.

No outside food will be allowed to be brought into this event, except in the situation of a special diet needed. In this case, please keep said food/drink out of view of the customers. The event location has an assortment of concessions available for purchase.  There will be no smoking or vaping inside the building.

This is a professional event and you will need to remain professional at all times. We will not tolerate disruptions, including fighting, at any time during the event or setup and teardown. We will also not tolerate any behavior which may cause a customer to give negative reviews of our event. If you have an issue with another vendor, inform us in your registration and we will do our best to keep you separated in the event they would also register to vend. Any vendor causing an issue or disruption with any other vendor, will be removed immediately without refund and may not be asked back. Any vendor giving our staff any problems of any kind will be evicted from the show without a refund and will not be asked back. Anyone involved in a physical altercation will be asked to leave and will not be issued a refund of any kind. If you bring children, they must be in your control at all times inside and outside of the venue and you are responsible for their behavior and actions. All children under the age of 12 years MUST remain behind your tables with you at all times. We have had way too many complaints from vendors that other vendors children are getting under foot and in the way of their business. If they are not, we will alert you to correct the issue and you may not be asked to return for future shows.

There will be another show going on in the South Hall. For this reason, we need all vendors, from the moment they check in on Saturday, to immediately put on your vendor badge and keep it on and visible along with any and all helpers coming in with you. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!!! We will have plenty of staff and security that will be around and if you are not wearing it you will be stopped and made to put it on. If you cause an issue over this with the staff you will be asked to leave and you will not get a refund or asked to return.

The Steel City Cannabis Convention will be going on in the South Hall. As a vendor you are permitted to go over and view the show at no cost. However you must be 18 or older to go in. You can NOT take your child, do not try, do not ask. No exceptions! Please make sure that if you were to go over and check it out, you have someone watching your table.

Since there is another show plus this show going on, vendor parking is NOT in the normal area which is behind the convention center and to the right. We need all vendors to park over by Dick’s Sporting goods ONCE THEY ARE DONE UNLOADING, NO EXCEPTIONS!! This is behind the mall, across from BEST BUY, which is behind the convention center. We have staff waiting there in golf carts to drive you back to the convention center. If you are not by the sign our people will not see you and will drive back to the convention center. Do not sit in your car and assume we will find you. We will have one cart accessible with a staff member to take you to your car during the day if you need to go to it. They will also be taking you to your car at the end of the day Saturday and in the morning on Sunday to the convention center. Sunday morning cart service will begin at 7:15am at the parking location. At the end of the show on Sunday you can be driven over to your car to drive back to load up your items. DO NOT give the driver a hard time, ask for alternate stops or be reckless while on the golf carts. Do not hang from it, inside the cart and make sure to hold on to all children securely. Our staff is the only ones permitted to drive these, do not ask or attempt to take them on your own.

This is a “HOT” show. This means that there will be venomous pets that will be available for sale to qualified keepers. ALL VENOMOUS VENDORS MUST STRICTLY FOLLOW THESE RULES, or we will safely close the show for a few minutes to allow you time to leave immediately. All venomous must keep their venomous animals in a container they can not escape from and these containers must be secured with red tape to identify that it is a venomous animal. In addition to this, all venomous vendors must install netting around your tables to prevent anyone from just picking up venomous animals. You do not need to use netting if you have all of your venomous animals secured in a locked case for display. A secured case/netting is in addition to the red tape. Venomous animals are not permitted to be walking around the show. When a customer makes a purchase of a venomous animal, you must keep said animal behind your vendor table until that customer is ready to leave the show. When the customer is ready to leave, you will need to call security over to escort the customer to their vehicle. Venomous vendors are not permitted to sell or give any venomous animal to anyone under the age of 18 years.

Rules of the Reptile Expos:
1.  Vendors must comply with ALL local, state and federal laws.
2.  All vendors have the right to refuse service to anyone.
3.  Children under 15 years of age must be accompanied by an adult at the time of sale of any animal. Vendor must use their own discretion in regards to sales. Not all animals are suitable for all keepers.
4.  All animals should be thoroughly inspected before the doors open to the public. Any animals that appear sick, injured, imported (if all-captive bred show), have visual mites/ticks, are illegal, or questionable should be removed immediately. Animal conditions and health are to be determined by the show promoter. Animals need to be presented in appropriately-sized containers.  Their bodies should be able to make a full 360 degree movement in the enclosure/display.  Enclosures should have proper ventilation and be 100% secure.  This also includes take-home containers.
5.  Animals who defecate in the cage or container must be immediately pulled off the table to be cleaned and sanitize.
6.  Hand sanitizer should be provided by each vendor as well as at the entrance door.  To prevent disease, any person handling or touching an animal should properly sanitize their hands before and after contact.

7.  You must arrive and set up your table BEFORE 9 am. If you are late more than twice, you may not be asked back. We can not have vendors walking through lines of customers trying to get in with their things, it is a safety and insurance risk.

8.  You can not pack up and leave the show earlier than 15 minutes before the end of the show.
9.  Children must be in your control at all times. They need to stay behind the table with you. They are not permitted to walk around with out a parent accompanying them. If they are running around and in the way, inside or outside the venue, you will be asked not to bring them anymore.
Any vendor selling items of any kind must pay for their own table, no sharing tables without permission from management prior to the booking of the table. If you were given permission to share, the vendor filling out this registration form will be the responsible party for all vendor fees and for the other vendors actions. We do this because when you share with a vendor we do not know or are unaware of, we look unprofessional when someone makes a purchase from them and then has an issue or question and we have no idea what the customer is talking about, because that vendor is not on our records. We do not like looking unprofessional and if we do because you do not request sharing permission, we will not ask you or that sharing vendor to return.
We do NOT allow any vendor, for any reason, to bring in dogs, cats, or pigs to sell.
No one under the age of 18 can be set up as a vendor without adult supervision or managing a table on their own.
All volunteers must be behind your table with you for the majority of the show, no more than 3 people behind the tables per one table. (Ex. 1 table = 3 people; 2 tables = 6 people etc.)
You will be given a vendor badge to wear while you are vending. You must WEAR IT while you are setup. We do this because even though you may know the show promoters personally, we have 20+ temporary staff members who have no idea who you are.
You need to provide business cards to customers.
NO ONE is permitted to take anything off of any other vendors table without their permission.
Please try to have some sort of care instruction sheet for any customer buying any animal you have.
Please make sure to have breathable containers/boxes ready for the animal to go with the customer.
Tables should be decorated with table cloths/signs to make you stick out. We don’t insist on it but sincerely suggest you do something to make your table stand out.
20.  Not showing up at all will get you banned from the show.
21.  No turtles are to be brought/sold if they are less than 4″, unless permitted by law.
22.  If there are 2 or more complaints about your animals or customer service we will reassess if you are a good fit for our event.
23.  There are to be no fire arms inside the venue at any time. We completely respect your 2nd amendment right; however the venue does not permit weapons in the facility unless you submit your insurance to us for $5 million along with your Lethal Weapons Training Act 235 certification, no less than 30 calendar days from the show dates.
24.  At no time will we tolerate any behavior, actions or comments that may be deemed as inappropriate at the work place, including threats, sexual harassment, or comments about our company or another vendor which have not been proven to be true and correct. In the event this should happen, you will be asked to leave and not to ever return to any of our events. Please always display appropriate, respectful, and professional behavior while vending one of our events.
At any point in time we have the right to change the rules. If they change you will be provided with a new copy.
26.  By submitting this registration page any making payment, you understand that if for any reason you are not able to attend this event, any and all monies paid towards this event will be forfeited.

IF YOU ARE NOT A PET VENDOR, A PET FOOD VENDOR, or A PET SUPPLY VENDOR, you need to ask our permission to vend before you fill out this form. Failure to do so could result in an automatic refund of your table fees, less a $50 processing fee. We look forward to seeing you at this event and we are looking forward to a great show. If you have any questions or issues, please reach out to me directly. Setup day, Friday, September 13th, until the end of the show on Sunday, September 15th at 10:00pm, my phone will be available from 6:00am until 11:00pm. If you need anything between now and then, please message the FaceBook show page first or you can call during regular business hours, 9:00am until 4:00pm. See you at the show!

Jamie Marchese
(412) 250-7137
Pittsburgh Mega Reptile Expo

If you choose not applicable please disclose below as detailed as possible what you are bringing to the show. This is a mandatory field. If it doesn't apply to you please write N|A
We understand that 3D Printing is the new craze; however, we have to limit the number of 3D Print sellers we have. If you are selling 3D Prints of any kind, we need to know. If you do not inform us that you are selling 3D Prints and you bring them, we will ask you to please take them off of your sales floor. If we are at compacity for 3D Print sellers, and you do have a 3D Print business or offer 3D Print services, and you would like to advertise on your table space at the event, please contact us. This is allowed, but there are size and display limitations.
There are only 2 show sponsorships available, left and right side of the convention center entrance. Show sponsor will get your business logo printed on our large 20' by 30' building banner which will be hung on the outside left side of the convention center for the whole week of the show. Your business will also be displayed on our inside banners along with our website and social media posts.
$ 0.00
By clicking the box above, you are confirming that you are registering to become a vendor for with the above registration information listed in this form. Once you submit this form successfully, your table space has been reserved. Please message us if you have any questions. This is for your reservation as a vendor at the trade show listed above. Once submitted, this payment is not refundable for any reason, unless the show is canceled. This payment is only good for the date listed on this invoice. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns, before you click the submit your registration.