Loading Instructions for Vendors
This is a two-day event, and you must attend both days. Vendors are not permitted to pack up and leave early unless prior permission is given. All loading and setup must be completed during the designated loading and setup times only. This is for insurance reasons, so please adhere to the schedule strictly.
– Upon Arrival: If arriving from the front of the hall, proceed to the right side of the building and line up near the loading dock area. The parking lot will be sectioned off, and a parking lot attendant will guide you to your designated area. Follow their instructions carefully to ensure smooth traffic flow.
– Unloading Process: When you reach the loading docks, first check in at the security desk to receive your designated vending location. You are not allowed to enter the show floor without checking in first. After checking in, unload your vehicle as quickly as possible and move your vehicle to the designated parking area to allow the next vendor to unload.
– Once you have unloaded your vehicle, you are not allowed to set up your booth until your vehicle has been moved to the parking area. Space permitting, some vendors may be allowed to pull directly into the building/loading dock area, but this will only be available on Friday and Sunday. Staff will let you know when you can pull in, please do not just expect to pull into the building.
– Dollies and Carts: Please bring your own dolly or cart, as limited carts and dollies may be available. Carts or dollies owned by the convention center are not for vendor use at any time. Vendors are not allowed to load in through the front doors of the convention center—the front doors are strictly off-limits for loading purposes.
– Setup on Friday: Setup on Friday is optional. If you choose to set up on Friday, please make sure to follow the above loading instructions and complete your setup during the designated hours.
We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to a successful event. Should you have any questions or need additional assistance, feel free to reach out to our team. Thank you for being part of the Pittsburgh Mega Reptile Expo!